Wildflowers and Gray Whales 

4-4-17 The Super bloom for wildflowers continues as does the northern migration of adult gray whales with one cow/calf pair, several yearling or small juveniles that traveled through slowly within 100 yards off shore. There were audible blows, spyhops , back floating, fluke splashing and pectoral fin twirling on most sightings.

Blueberry Smoothie,Wildflowers and Gray Whales

Wildflowers remain in abundance with new varieties coming in to bloom as other ones fade.  Sunlife Organics is a local fresh juice and smoothie shop on the way in to Pt. Dume. My current favorite is the Vanilla protein smoothie with blueberries. This shake gives me enough energy and stamina to spot and count the sometimes elusive … Continue reading Blueberry Smoothie,Wildflowers and Gray Whales